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Monday, September 10, 2012

Trust Yourself

It is beginning to become apparent to me just how funny life is. How every decision changes you and molds you into the person you are supposed to become. The key is believing that you are supposed to become something important, worthwhile, or unique. Your life is shaped by the people you meet, the adventures you pursue, and the energy you emit. Stop buying the sales pitches. Stop giving into the consensus. Be yourself... to the fullest extent. We are not created equal... and that is not a coincidence.

For me, its music that inspires and mesmerizes me every day. If I feel I am taking something in life for granted I know I can always turn on some of my favorite music to pull me out of the funk. The second I begin worrying about what I am supposed to become or what I should do with my life, I lose sight of what beautiful  blessings are directly in front of my face. Living in the present and establishing the end result of your dreams without intently planning the in-between will allow the end result to unfold without strained effort. Have faith. Keep walking, one foot at a time.

Life is too short to be afraid. It's too precious to waste opportunity, yet it is also too fragile to take a risk too big. That is what following your heart is for. So you can seize low-risk opportunity because you are confident that it is the right path. Just trust in yourself.