Since I finally had some extra time today to work on my website, I thought it might be something worth writing about. I don't consider my self an expert, by any means at web design, but it is still fun to do. If any of you out there have built you own sites, you know know my frustrations when it comes to getting code right. Its hard! It is such a long and tedious process that would make most impatient people's heads spin. Luckily, I am one of the patient ones.
A more notable topic of today is the True Beauty Expo. I just bought my plane ticket and will be attending the weekend expo in Vegas in about a month. It will be part of my training process for Miss Texas USA. I have coaches I work with here in Texas, but it is always good to get additional tips/advice/perspective. I am open and willing to absorb any and all training I can get my hands on this year!
This trip to Vegas will be one of many this year. I also recently booked my ticket to Vegas to attend Miss USA in June. I am so excited to be apart of it, and cheer on the beautiful Texas state title holder, Miss Ana Rodriguez along with the Florida state title holder, Miss Lissette Garcia (In case you didn't know I have a history with Florida pageantry). Let me know if you will be attending Miss USA in June as well; I would love to connect with all of the pageant people out there!
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